Street Team

You can help promote Yam Haus in your hometown, you are the insider fans that help make Yam Haus who they are.

Stay tuned for #YamFamStreetJams like sidewalk stenciling, flyers, promo cards, listening parties, & more!

Do you have a Yam Haus fan account? Let us know and we’ll list it bellow!


Email us at with your question!

  • A Street Team is an extreme and creative form of word of mouth marketing. This team can advocate and speak on behalf of Yam Haus.

  • You’ll participate in the #YAMFAMSTREETJAM!

    Ways to help include, but are not limited to:

    • Promoting the band on social media (via Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, ect.)

    • Putting up posters in your communities.

    • Sticker-bombing the city - place our stickers everywhere, lampposts, utility poles, college campuses, etc.

    • Distributing home-made flyers that you design and print.

    • Throwing a listening party.

    • Promoting the band at related events - concerts of related artists, concert festivals, etc.

    • Sharing Yam Haus created content. (i.e YouTube Videos, new music, social media posts)

    • Participating in promotional campaigns.

    • Inviting friends to RSVP on Facebook event pages.

    Don’t forget to record and take pictures of your street team activites and use the hashtag #YAMFAMSTREETJAM.

    We want to see what you are up to and celebrate that!

  • Fill out the form on the Street Team page on the Yam Haus website!

    Email us at with your question!

  • You can join our exclusive Yam Haus fans facebook group or connect with each other on social media!

    A Street Team member you will be invited to exclusive Street Team events that happen thoughtout the year.